Anyway, this rain isn't really affecting my plans at all. After Nugget's performance with the packs yesterday, I think I'd better spend a bit more time getting them used to everything. After yesterday's attempt at packing Nugget, leading him with me on Sarah (that went very well...) I even tried to ride Nugget, but wasn't ever in full control. His reaction was surprising actually.. .ears back, very nervous.. .must've been still on edge from the packs. Today's plan is to take them both out along the road south for a few kilometres - if that goes well, then pack Nugget fully and do it all again. Oh yeah - and I've also got to clean up all the curry powder that went everywhere during one of Nugget's conniptions.

Ideally, we'd be leaving here sometime tomorrow, aiming to do about 10 - 15 kilometres... just a half-day to begin with.

Mum asked me on the phone last night if I was feeling lonely at all.. .No, I'm not. I am missing Libby a lot.., but regular phone calls to family and friends (it's costing me a fortune!) - Probably more contact than I've had in the past year - as well as the people here at the Lion's Den to socialise with.. .That bar's quite a trap really - I'd better watch I don't let the excuse of rain leave me washed up here longer than I need to.

Once I'm out there, too, I think I'll be so caught up in the horses, I won't miss human company - as long as I get my fortnightly fix of mail! For now though, I'm enjoying the company of everyone here - an interesting place, attracting very interesting characters. They start serving at 8 am!!

OK time for action, we're going riding despite the conditions - I expect to return very muddy!

Things look good.. .they trotted very well together - not happy to slow to a walk (especially on the way home!) but quite manageable and no doubt will slow down after a few kilometres!

I repacked Nugget - he had his usual two minute wild spell - but a few shouts of "whoa" and he's fine for the rest of the day. I actually just spent some time fiddling with everything (he just stands patiently) and fixing it so that the rear bags no longer hang against his flank... both sets are now over the saddle.. .in a "X' with the two sausage bags draped over the top. I also scrapped having the sleeping bag strapped on the top since he easily loses it. It's now securely inside a bag as well. I just hope there's enough room for everything - I've got a tin full of stuff I've decided is unnecessary - and I'll post it off as soon as I can.

I met an interesting lady at the bar this afternoon - a horse lover who actually knows RW (the person who sold me the horses) as a very cruel man. More a different approach to them I believe - and although I tended to side more with her approach I found myself having to be quite defensive. She was very negative and critical; I dealt with it, but she did make me think... I could only come up with the fact - that I'd remembered right from the beginning - that the horses will always come first. Their good health and well-being means everything.

6th June

A mixed day. Woke up to the intensely annoying sound of rainfall, gulped down a billy full of cold oats I'd soaked overnight, had a cold shower and packed everything up - had them both saddled up and completely squared away (electric fence, etc) by mid-morning. Nugget had his usual panic attack, but everything stayed put... It's interesting,he comes to me for reassurance when things go bad like that now. I think he's beginning to trust me.

