The Baboon

by BD

My mates and I when we were much younger (and unmarried) used to try and spend every long weekend At Chirundu.

We were young and poor I had the Landrover; my mate had a 20' wooden hulled boat with a 40 hp Westbend motor. The landy had in the back, an old "round topped" fridge (cooler box) laid on its back with 6 cases of Lion.

We used to camp about 3/4 of a k down from Willie Reeds place under a big acacia on "The White sands" - they've built a canoe camp there now.

We slept in the open on the sand. one night as I was kipping using a half pocket of potatoes as a pillow.

I was suddenly awoken with my head hitting the ground.... I shot up like flint out of the sleeping bag, Kalgat.

To see in the half dark this BIG dog Baboon sitting on his haunches stuffing potatoes into his mouth. while he's battling to hold the fast disintegrating pocket (that 5 mins ago was my pillow!)...

I was in a blind fury and just leaped for him. as he took off he was shoving a second big spud into his mouth (there was 1 in the right cheek already) both his arms going gunners,juggling to keep from loosing about 10 other spuds from what remained of the bag.

I tried to throw something at him....but if you know the place there is zip worth trying to throw but sand.... I chased him around the camp and into the darkness throwing the only things I could find or see in the half light...the potatoes that he was dropping.....

When I returned the camp was in hysterics. They had woken to see this naked man charging round the camp and into the bush throwing sand and swearing four colours at a dog bobo prancing seemingly effortlessly just ahead tossing spuds to the wind.....

Needless to say the first beers of the day were cracked there and then....