Some BTers are obviously serious foodies from way back! Here are a few of their memories...
Gosh who can forget the Rio. Their braais on a Sunday were fabulous. My
in-laws recently took their family visiting from England there. Wow, and the
Granada. Very very good paellas there. Who remembers the Bamboo Inn in
Salisbury, and also the Bombay Duck for fabulous curries. Heck I think there
wasn't a restaurant in Sby & Byo we didn't try at some stage.
Talking about "Zing " orange juice .... who remembers that godawful Bezant
....sweetened (awful) and unsweetened ( squeeze your tonsils till you choke
awful!) Then there those bright pink candy covered clusters of peanuts you
could only get in Woolworths ......Charhons chocolate almonds ....those 1/3
pints of milk our parents paid coupons for at junior school...the veggie
woman who came every Friday with her basket on her head in which were always
little recycled plastic bags of potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and beans
....... always beans for some reason! The Astoria cake shop in Manica arcade
in Umtali, Mitchells Bakery and all their biscuits and the intricate wedding
cakes in their windows down main street.
I remember Dairy Den icecream, especially their Bee Sting with chocolate sauce, honey crunchies, and a huge honey biscuit!!! Never found anything to compare!
And Nick's Cafe out at Avondale where you could go late at night for a coffee to help sober up!!
Aaaahhh !!! New Orleans Restaurant, Hillside. Bananas Foster. MMmmmmmmm Bananas Fosssttterrrrr.
The Wise Donkey .... oh yes...I remember that tiny little sliver of a cafe
on the corner of Speke Ave and I think it was First Street? ... we all used
to frequent the Wise Donkey most of the time, and when it was month end and
we were "flush" then we would go out to Barbours for lunch!
...........Working Girls!
Does anybody remember the old 'hamburger hut' where everybody used to go after a night out? Or am I imagining it?? Also does anybody remember Bull Acutt in Salisbury, and those fabulous chicken and mushroom pies which he used to make and sell??
I remember the pink cachous pink fish and guns at 1d and the licorice bootlace at 1d, sherbert dabs at 3d and marshmallow and chocolate Easter Eggs. Lobels 3d biscuits from the Waldorf Bakery in Gwelo.
And those huge gob-stopping sweets called "Apricots."
....has anyone mentioned "Guido's" in Kingsway yet .... I remember the T-bone
steaks there were huge, and when you went in it was like going to a
favourite aunt's house ... you were so welcomed! ....and what about the Park
Lane on a Saturday afternoon, outside on the lawn under those awful slatted
metal umbrellas! .... and what about sitting outside sipping "brown cows"
down First street outside Woolworths? .... and when the second parkade
opened near Rezende street,and the dip near the exit was so low that they
had to close the place down and fill it in because all the cars were losing
their exhausts!! .... memories what memories!
Guidos......oh yes, certainly brown cows and visits to the Dairy Den in
Chisipite. What about clubbing at Rosalinds or if you were really young or
bored, the Causerie at Meikles. Hitch hiking to Kariba on Gooks and Spooks
weekend, sleeping on the only patch of grass outside the filling station or
weekend trips to McIllwaine on a $5.00 note. Probably my favourite was
queuing outside the Akropolis all for some cheap sea-food, but golden days
and nights. Trips to Mabelreign drive-in in a bukkie with a crate or going
back some years, to Mermaids Pool. So many wonderful memories. Misty African
mornings, that first Madison Ciggy in the morning sun on first street,
careless times.
...about the waffles and REAL maple syrup at Barbours?? Just prior to UDI being
declared the buyer of the maple syrup mis-read the quantity and added a 0
onto the amount! They inadvertantly ordered enough to see Barbours through
... to more than likely today -
Nostalgia is Oasis on a Saturday lunch time with a trip to the Police
grounds to watch Rhodesia stomp the South African currie cup teams and then
on to listen to Holy Black. WHAT A PLEASURE - wish I were young again.
Nothing compares to the Bamboo Inn, did anyone ever try their paper wrapped
prawns. I went so often that to this day my big kids won't eat Chinese
especially the one who gets on this site every night.
Anyone remember Bretts Saturday lunch time, mid 60's, to find out where the
Saturday night party was on then down to the Fiddlers Crutch (Southerton
Police Club) drink more grog play Crown and Anchor, darts, more grog, home
for a quick s---, shave and shampoo, and off to 22 Dulwich Road, Greendale
for a rip roaring party or am I the only one still standing. I met my better
half at one of those parties and we are still married. Wow! My friend and I went to Gremlins one night after movies and ordered hot
chocolates. Parked under one of their 'lights' my friend got really excited
that as she neared the end of her drink, she found a piece of chocolate.
After impaling it on her straw she brought it into the light to discover it
had legs and resembled a cockroach!! Also, who remembers the bread one could
use as cannon fodder? Anyone got the Acropolis on a Sunday night after a day
at Lake Mc, for a plate stacked with spare ribs and chips....!
As for those sherbets with the liquorice straws, yum. How I wish I was a kid again, even if only for one day.
the Birdcage at Sanders! Their waffles were divine. I remember the wallpaper - dark with bright birds on it, and the fountain on the balcony with floating flowers in it. And the fashion parades they had twice a day. In Barbours tearoom I always had anchovy toast! Funny how food always stays in the memory....
Did you ever eat those red locusts that used to swarm over the midlands in days gone by?They were mooshi stereke especially fried on the coals.
Maltabella ...... what about Kreemy Meel and Quaker Oats? ...Charhons chocolate almonds and frikkadels ..... Rabroy tomato sauce and 1/3 pints of milk at school at break? "Dogs meat" at the butcher, and "rations" ? ...... Cplcom pink viennas, and Dairiboard icecream ....Lyons maid ... the list is endless! Memories what culinary memories!
I was thinking the other day about boarding school food - not-so-fond memories of frogs eggs, Zambesi mud, and squashed chamelon jam, and that disgusting tomato jam; what did we call it, toe-jam?? The things I did enjoy and look forward to were the brown (maltabella?) porridge, and pumpkin fritters, not to mention the unutterable delights of the fantastic treat of roast chicken and icecream one Sunday a month!!! One wonders what today's children with their KFC and Big Macs would think of that.
Nostalgia.....Did anyone else order toasted cheese, bacon and banana
sandwiches from Gremlins on Enterprise Road or was it only me? We used to tuck
into them before going to the drive-in on the road to Marandellas. I also
the delights of toasted open-face mayo and cheese sandwiches from Eskies in
Bulawayo before hitting the town on the weekends or after a day out in the
Matopos. Those treats were way before the low-fat diets, aerobics, step and
fitness classes that I have experienced here in the First world. I guess games
of tennis, hiking in the bundu, swimming and just being young kept us lean.
Who remembers Z7B that wonderful steak house in Bulawayo? Stan Nadle and his
wife used to only employ 6th formers from Milton as waiters! Used to work
for $4 weeknights and $6 weekends plus tips. The Chef was superb! Waiters
had a free meal but this excluded fillet. The steak was served on a wooden
board with ridges and those onion rings still cause my mouth to water! Ice
cream and marshmellow coffee to finish off. Does anyone know what happened
to Stan? I know he was a CA and ran the Z7B in his "spare time". Truly
wonderful and somewhat innocent age in 71/72.