Marbles. The person placing the
marbles was "doking". We also used an assortment of ball-bearings, aptly
named "ironies". "Goons" were the big ones. No one was allowed to do "donkey
drops"! Who remembers the game the girls in junior school used to play -
"jacks"? What about some of the others like "Crocodile, crocodile, may I
cross your golden river?" K.I.N.G spells King? And what about skipping,
saying little rhymes like "Cinderella met a fella"? Tell you what, I reckon
it beats Nintendo, etc. any day!
Skipping rhymes.... Rosie, Rosie, Apple tart, Tell me the name of your sweetheart.
Where did the woer-woers go? I haven't seen one for ages. We started with a humble button on cotton and my brother worked up to a model he cut out of a jam tin, added sawtooth edges and would eventually have destroyed the forests if it wasn't confiscated.