Hey man! It's bullfight time in Vila Peri. Let's go and sort out those Porks. The Mk II Zephyr is loaded with all the dop that:
a) will fit in the boot
With rear bumper almost touching the road Vila Peri here we come. Six up in
the Zephyr as it has a bench seat in front.Taking tirns to dop whilst the
other oke drives. Vila Peri in 4 hours. Hey man we are legends.Turn right at
the huge traffic circle, take the road out of town to Beira, quick right
into the showgrounds, stop at the bullring. Just in time the first bullfight
is about to start. Here comes the bull. 300 drunken Rhodies, including me &
my mates in the ring. The bull hasn't got a chance. 50 tackles, 20 okes
hanging on the horns, the rest trying to ride it. Bull capitulates and lies
down to tumultuous applause from the Porks. Sure a few okes are damaged, but
then, thats part of the appeal. Next bull same treatment, and again, and
again.Rhodie numbers are getting less & less as a few okes get taken out by
the bull. Applause not quite as exhuberant. by the time the last bull
appears the applause is non existent, in fact a few cheeky Porks are being
downright threatening. Pork cops appear, a few arrests are made. the odd
Pork jumps into the ring to remonstrate and gets sorted, hard.Back to
Salisbury, which for some reason is now 6 hours away. Man did we sort out
those Pork bulls!