Nostalgia 2by Tess I
was born in Rhodesia, in the Lady Chancellor Hospital, Salisbury, at about
1.00pm in 1962. It was raining at the time. I was brought up in an idealistic
lifestyle on a farm in Featherstone (Almost central Rhodesia, flanked by
Enkeldoorn and Beatrice) with two patient and tolerant parents, an older brother
Kevin, a �house boy� named Thomas, a rambling cattle and firstly tobacco, then
Mielie farm, the cooing of the wild doves during the day and the call of the
�bushbaby� by night. The carefree tennis games and bottle feeding baby calves.
Chickens, pigeons, tortoises who�s back we would paint so that we could
recognize them, cattle grids, the flame lily, Chongololos and �botter gaats� (We
would pull off their heads, legs and wings and then suck their abdomens as our
favourite party trick to impress the �townies�.) We would impishly pick up the
dung beetles and put them on the opposite side of their dungball and watch as
they would start rolling it back the way in which they had just come and tap on
the ground for the Tock-tockie beetle to tap back. Sandworms, that would get
under the skin on the soles of your feet and you had to freeze them with dry ice
and maggots that would bore into your skin if clothes were not ironed properly.
Sitting on my grandparents long-drop and getting my backside stung by a swarm of
angry hornets � ouch. Shooting spring hares at night with the spottie, duiker and those meer
cats that came to raid the chicken run. My Impala bicycle and the little tin of
personal items that I hid in the rafters - my name and the date, a few teeth, a
penny and whatever-else. Listening to Charles Jacoby or Jim Reeves on the record
player and later John Edmon and Clem Thollett. Tilley lamps and candles,
paraffin fridge and freezers. Treadle sewing machines and blacks that could sew
any outfit without a pattern or knit anything on a pair of old bicycle spokes.
Fairy toilet paper and sunlight soap, the Farmers Weekly and Spud cartoons. Remember the Palmolive soap ad with the
kid in the bath � �Reach for the sky mum�. �No, reach for the Palmolive cowboy!�
and another, I can�t for the life of me remember which finance company it was,
but the guy and the girl are sitting in front of the fire and he says; �I love
you so much, I�ll give you the world.� She eagerly turns to him and exclaims;
�Oh, I wouldn�t say no to a little car!� and then as he looks over his shoulder
at the camera with a look of dismay on his face the ad said; �Sooner or later,
you are going to need ---- finance.� The
RMS mail delivery and party line telephones - our ring was two shorts and one
long. Weaver birds (I raised a number of them by hand) flat topped thorn trees
and those sunsets. Machukatas, Marullas � The Amarulla liqueur is still one of
my favourite, snot apples, Mexican Apples, Cricket Ball marrows and klappers not
to mentions sour plums and picking wild mushrooms in a basket to take home and
fry up in butter. Having sundowners on the veranda with pink Vienna sausages and
fresh roasted peanuts. Dad�s aloe
patch and Wag-�n-bietjie bushes. Picking the prickly pears, knowing that your
hands would get covered in the tiny hair-like prickles, but man those
�Madorapheas� were nice once peeled and chilled and eaten with a cold beer.
Holidays at the Zimbabwe Ruins where we would camp and the tame porcupine
would have us running � I scored a few quills from him - and the Rupesie hot
springs, camping at the Ngezi dam, having a fire on the side of the river bank,
with the pan hotting up and pulling in a bream, gutting it and cooking it fresh,
the smell of the musess (The fermented concoction that was supposed to attract
fish), getting that strong dark mud under your fingernails as you caught fishing
worms. Camping! � Although always frightened of the crocs and hippos, it was
wonderful and daring, just the thought that we might contract Bilharzia and have
to face those annual shoulder injections. We had to have two in the left
shoulder. The whole school used to sit in rows and you would watch the person�s
shoulder, in the row ahead of you to see if one �jab� would swell, indicating
Bilharzia. Salt and Malaria tablets and the Cholera Moetie taken on a sugar
cube. When I was six, mum dutifully taught us correspondence by �School on the
air.� I thought she was the meanest teacher, We learned Janet and John, �Through
the garden gate� and I can still remember the packages arriving in the post,
large brown manila envelopes tied with a string that wound around a little red
eyelet closure. Going to boarding school and crying myself sick on the first
night. Having the same set of underwear for a week and having to �Knot your
socks� before throwing them to the wash. The chicken pox, measles and mumps and
that funny little scratchy immunization we had to have on our arm. The old three
wheeled Fortson tractor, Burly barns and shelling mielies � the dust would just
hang in the air and as kids we would jump on the stacks of sacks, sewn closed
with the special �Mielie needle�. We used to swim in the Poort, that ran through
the V in the Manesie ranges and bark back at the baboons on the sides of the
hill. There was a cave up there, where a mad African lived and we used to taunt
him. There were also old Matabele graves in the hills and after the rains they
used to wash away and we would find the skeletons, which we took great delight
in muddling up, taking one skull and putting it with another body, sure that on
resurrection day they would be looking for their heads. Catching Barbel and
putting them in the house tank. Lighting the �Boiler� in order to have hot water
and chopping off Chickens heads to watch them run around headless before we
would pluck and gut them. It was a great game to make fake pellets from cut
pieces of drinking straws filled with sand. We used to shoot the turkey with
those from the pellet gun and later, when it became vicious, we were blamed for
ruining a good bird. Shooting the chicken tails with the pellet gun, only we
weren�t terribly crack shots then and Peacocks cawing on the roof before
roosting. Tanning rabbit skins and chasing Daasies on the rocks and finding
those white barn owls in the barn and having to try to keep them hidden from the
blacks, they were very superstitious about them and would kill any that they
found. Teasing the cook boy about the Ntokoloshi � the little spirit that roamed
about the place � hence they never liked to sleep flat on the floor, always
raised. Eating sadza rolled into balls and either dipped in sugar or into the
Mureiwa � (gravy and vegetables in a slopping mix) around the fire, scooping the
sadza out of the three legged pot. Playing stingers and K-I-N-G spells king. Lucky beans that we thread on a
necklace, Baobab fruit, (the cream of tartar) snake apples and tumble
weeds.Mangoes being sold on the side of the road and not eating any fruit you
found growing along the road Go away birds and being brave enough to jump from
the waterfall at Sterk Stroom. Playing with Madolas (Knuckle bones) and making
the thorns from the flat topped thorn trees into Afrikaaner cattle horns. French
skipping and making those finger patterns from the string that you wound around
your hand. Eating molasses out of the forty-five gallon drum and stocking up on
supplies in South Africa - things like batteries, Milo and Smarties and reading
Zane Grey westerns. Later the agric alert, I can�t remember our call sign, but
the Gooks were referred to as �Charlie Tangoes� and the Police station was
called �Sunray�, the Adam�s grenades placed strategically around the security
fence the old �leopard� mine proof vehicles. Knitting those awful balaclavas,
fingerless gloves and goolie warmers for the troopies. Getting a buzz out of
serving at the troopies� canteen and the automatic reaction of waving to every
armed forces vehicle or uniform that you see. Convoys and FN�s. Mrs Woods
(Salisbury GHS) sewing mistress quoting �If the soldiers forgot their guns like
you girls forget your sewing, this country would be in ruins!� Juniors at school
being called �sprogs.� And initiation ceremonies at boarding school. Climbing on
the roof of the GHS school hall. Bunking out of the hostel to go and see � of
all disgusting things � the Rocky Horror Picture show and thinking it was so
cool. The old PE Rugby chant � can anyone remember what it was, I can only
remember - I think it
was. �Who are, Who are, Who are we? We
are PE can�t you see�. Straw boaters (Bashers) that sailed in the air at the end of the war cry
- those hats were damned good fun. My dad finally fiber glassed mine as he was
so tired of buying me a new one. It was shiny and heavy and I was so embarrassed
because it looked different to the rest and didn�t have that �lived in� look to
it. Eating Melk tart and koeksuster, biltong and getting a refund on your
coke bottle. The best meal was a coke and a fresh bun. Desai�s in Enkeldoorn.
Calling people �Eiwe� and saying �Voetsek� to dogs, where �Suzie Matwetwe� was
well known to all and we used to tell �Van der Merwe� jokes. Making those
traction tractors from the old wooden cotton reels with either candles or soap
cut to fit and a lakkie band. The annual Christmas tree party and tickie draai
dances. The Jacaranda Band and Gymkanas. Fondue dinners and venison meat. When
children were told not to �shoopa� their parents and Guy Fawlks night on the 5th
of November was always a huge event with Braai, bonfire and fireworks. Every
11th November I still tell my family, �It�s Rhodesian Independence day today,
just like the yanks have their 4th of July.� Believing that if you had seen the �Carry on � movies that you were
really enlightened and watching the Gods must be crazy four times at the
drive-in �actually - remember squeezing people into the car boot until you had
driven passed the gates! Suddenly a little R6 would have eight people climb out.
Having the matchbox put behind your rear tire on a hill start when you were
going for your drivers license and having to reverse through those drums before
the instructor would even get into the car. Hand signals when driving and finger
prints on your Rhodesian citizenship card � your �stoopa.� The scandal the first
suicide jumper from the Monomatapa caused and the way the Monomatapa used to
serve their butter, in little balls on a stainless steel tray over ice. Buying
those huge T-Bone steaks at the Mono�s and running the opposite way on the
escalators. The egg &I and the Pancake king. The first Wimpy bar and the
horror when the Hamburger Hut were fined for using donkey meat in their burgers.
Going to Gremlins and ordering their pickled fish, it was awful but we used to
dare each other to eat it. Brown cows (coke on ice cream) and calling traffic
lights Robots. Cooking vegetables marinated in beer over the braai and
rondarvals with thatched roofs. Being as drunk as a skunk and shouting at the top of your voice;
�Here I stand, My beer in hand, a tribute to my mother land When out of the Vlei, out of the
veld Some stupid idiot has to yell RHODESIA � You Bucking Fruity!!� Ever since, not being able to listen to �Ode to Joy� without getting a
catch in your throat and without thinking of years back when you would stand
tall and straight in the school yard, feeling the sun on your head and
shoulders, with your arms at your side in reverent respect and singing at the
top of your voice�. Rise oh voices of Rhodesia God may we thy bounty share Give us strength to face all
dangers And where challenge is � to dare Guide us Lord to wise decisions Ever of thy grace aware Oh let our hearts beat bravely
always For this land within thy care Rise oh voices of Rhodesia Bringing him your proud acclaim--- ---Rolling in the mighty rivers Roaring in one grand refrain Ascending to the sunlit heavens Telling of your honoured name Too rusty man! Can anyone fill in the pieces or correct the
mistakes How about
this, I can�t remember what it was called, Once a
column came a marching In the
long, long, long ago And they
came to find a country That the
world would come to know. It was
built on Toil and courage (We inevitably sang �toilet
paper�.) Out of
what was wilderness And they
gave us, this that country To
preserve and ever bless. The early
fathers of our land Have put
their trust in us On guard,
for all they won, we stand As those
who follow must Rhodesia �
our homeland We�ll
stand on guard for thee Rhodesia
- our home land,
We�ll ever
cherish thee. I remember
innocently singing: This land
is your land This land
is my land From the eastern border to
the Western highlands From the
Vumba forrest To
Kariba�s waters This land
was made for me and you If they
should tell you That you
should leave it Don�t you
believe it, it isn�t true---- ---something, something � your sons
and daughters This land
was made for me and you And Rex Tarr�s
Cockie Robin Excuse the
spelling and probably the pronunciation too � Zonkie
Nonie lapa moia Ena kala
ena kala Ena
Zweelie, Ena feelie lo nyonnie Cockie Robin Ena
Zweelie, ena Feelie Ena
zweelie ena feelie Cockie Robin Hoebanie
ena blurra Cockie Robin? Meena
cherra lo Sparrow With my
bow and arrow Meena
blurra Cockie Robin---- |