Who remembers the time the RTV transmitters went on the blink and there was no TV for about a week due to a lack of spare parts? Eventually when they managed to get round the Sanctions embargo, and fixed the transmitters, they played in Fast Forward mode a film of the techies rushing round fixing things while "Hard Day's Night" was playing. Alastair, how about banning certain people from this wonderful site? Fran Nyore, Nyore, Zimbabwe Furnishers. Nyore, Nyore, Zimbabwe cha cha cha".
"Wish, the luxury you can afford"
"Golden green Valvoline. The oiliest oil you've ever seen." "Gerrie Rafterios is my name. Selling fine furniture is my game." "Pop into Radio Limited" "Exide. Still keeps going when the rest have stopped" "The Colony that's the place to dine. The Colony where you can entertain, wine and dine - in luxury.The Colony - that's the gourmet's haunt. That's the Colony Restaraunt."
Talk about TV memories! What about the sweetie ads - "pick a pack of Piccadilly" or "pocket a packet of Pascals"; "Silvikrin puts the oo in shampoo, see what Silvikrin can do for you"; "sell your house through Fox & Carney, sell your house through Fox & Carney"; and perhaps the most famous of all - "you'll wonder where the yellow went, when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent!"
Re: old TV ads..... whenever I want to call a taxi the slogan....Rixi Taxi six oh six six six...comes to mind!
Remember this RIXI TAXI add.: 1) 707 707 rixi taxi 707, thats our new number
for you to remember, 707 once no twice..... 2) Nyore nyore Zimbabwe
furnishers, Nyore nyore Zimbabwe cha cha cha......3) The Royco soup add with
the kid flexing his arms saying "Soup makes me big like a giant like
this".....4) Jazz stores where the customer is king, Jazz stores come and do
your shopping.Does anyone remember : 5) Being bathed and in your pyjamas at
4:30pm sitting expectantly in front of the TV while the National Anthem
played and the the black and white test patern stared back at you for what
seemed like years.
What about "don't forget the fruitgums, mum?"
What about "Zing' oranges on aerials to make the car go faster ?
Talking about TV: when it first arrived like everybody else 100 miles from Salisbury we had to have an aerial on top of a 60-foot pole. Even then every episode of Rawhide looked like it took place in a snowstorm. The opening song ro Rawhidw went something like this: 'Whip em up, get em up, move 'em up (rpt) ... Rawhide! Through wind and stormy weather ... ' (or something like that).
Those Supersonic transistors, red or blue with the enormous white knobs, were great little radios. Mine went on forever and ever... I spent many an evening picking up the overseas transmissions on shortwave. Does anyone remember Hilversum!! At times, I used to stumble across radio-telephone conversations between troopies and their loved one's back home! What an invasion of privacy!
yes ...... David Davies and LM radio ...... how many times I went to
sleep with my little supersonic on my chest listening to their programmes !
Someone earlier mentioned Leslie Sullivan. I used to hate him early in the
mornings. He used to start the day with "UP, UP, UP, UP, UP - GOOD MORNING
EVERBODY". He was a real sadist at that time of the day.
' member " Do you Suffer From MaFushkwa?" Penny kools, Fal Tree 5000,
Baron's Bar at the Holiday Inn BYO, Look 'n Listen, Don't Drive Rhodesia
Dry..... Please, Thumbs Up for Good Road Sense, French Lace Perfume, Spa
Shower Foam, Colgate Apple Shampoo, Gwyneth Ashley Robin, Jody Wayne, 4
Jacks and a Jill, the Click Song, getting your school uniform from McCullagh
and Bothwell, Rho Paint, "Security Forces regret to Announce the .........."
Scope Magazines, (when they were'nt banned), petrol coupons, spanish fly,
frickies, (yeah Baby!!!) tickies, a Garden Boy called Nyama, BBQ Peanuts,
those pink sugar peanuts, The Champions, The Professionals, Stompie Dwyer,
the bi scope, Grorge and Mildred, bic pens, Omo washing powder, the Surf
Show Pick A Box, A, B C, D ,E F Banana, I will Bye You a Sweet Banana, the
Bulawayo Trade Fair, Z International, Margories Night Club, the Rainbow Room
at the Southern Sun, ....... and finally when Muffin the Mule was'nt a sex
offence!!!! Cheers!!!
Does any one remember this from Wrex Tarr ?........Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired and listness, like the bottom has fallen out of your world ?......Take zakanaka tablets and in twenty minutes, it will feel like the world has fallen out of your bottom.
Thinking of Wrex Tarr - How about "Family Size, Economy Size and Help me to the car size" Can anyone remember other good lines?
Sonya Hatton reading us the daily news and Norman McTaggart in all those glorious Pantos. Christmases have never been the same again for me without the Mayor's Christmas Cheer Fund raising money and the reading of pledges on TV. Ahhhhh.......those were the days.
I remember those songs by Mike Warren. `When the sun shines on the Gomo, and the bush gets Blerry hot ------ ? chorus - We are the Shumba drinkers, we drinks dozens a day, We are the Shumba drinkers, Why work when we can play, Ek se, ek se, ek se, ek se. `I met a Pommie in the army, All thin and white and pale, I offered him a `Chibulie', He said `no thanks, I prefer Ale'! We are the Shumba drinkers, etc. etc. Do you also remember:- `It's a long way to Mukumbura, It's a long way to go, It's a long way from your Hometown, -----------?, Goodbye Bulawayo, totsiens Cecil Square, It's a long long way to Mukumbura, but we are going up there to `stir'! ? Also, sung to John Denver's country road song:- `---------------?' `Bulawayo, Salisbury City, Take me home Lomagundi Road'. The memory is beginning to fade now and I wish I could remember all the words. CAN ANYONE ELSE HELP?
Who remembers this old Wrex Tarr song? The Terrorists Lament
On a very hot day
As he strode along (Chorus)
Oh the stinging
Tsetse Flies
In the cool place
that I come from
Lappa kia go
mina (Chorus)
Oh the stinging
Tsetse Flies Hopefully I have got all the words right, it has all come out of memory so there could be some mistakes somewhere. Sadza