Because we cannot see each other's facial expressions, or hear the tone of
voice, when we are communicating by email or on a message board or in a chat
room, it is difficult to tell what the real meaning is - was that supposed to be
sarcastic? supportive? was he laughing at me? So we use emoticons to show
our expressions. Here are some of them:
or :-) Expresses happiness, sarcasm, or
or :-( Expresses unhappiness
:] or :-] Expresses jovial happiness
:[ or
:-[ Expresses despondent unhappiness
or :-D Expresses jovial happiness
:I or :-I Expresses indifference
:-/ or
:-\ Indicates undecided, confused, or sceptical. Also
:Q or :-Q Expresses confusion
:S or :-S Expresses incoherence or loss of
:@ or :-@ Expresses shock or screaming
or :-O Indicates surprise, yelling or realisation of an error ("uh
Acronyms - net shorthand
AAMOF as a
matter of fact
BBFN bye bye for now
BFN bye for now
BTW by the
BYKT but you knew that
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong
EOL end of
FAQ frequently asked question(s)
FITB fill in the blank
for what it's worth
FYI for your information
HTH hope this helps
IAC in
any case
IAE in any event
ICL in Christian love
IMCO in my considered
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMNSHO in my not so humble
IMO in my opinion
IOW in other words
LOL lots of luck or
laughing out loud
MGB may God bless
MHOTY my hat's off to you
NRN no
reply necessary
OIC oh, I see
OTOH on the other hand
ROF rolling on the
ROFL rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFL rolling on the floor
RSN real soon now
SITD still in the dark
TIA thanks in
TIC tongue in cheek
TTYL talk to you later
TYVM thank you very
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
<G> Grinning
<L> Laughing
<S> Smiling